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4 Ways We Offer Unique Coverage at Events


Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Getting the press to your event isn't enough if you want to stand out in the 24-hour news cycles. Here are some ways we help our clients stand out and secure more attendance, donations and coverage as a result.

By: MMM Editorial Team

You already know how important it is to get the press to your next event, but you may not know exactly how to make sure your event (and it's coverage) stand out on the news that night. The truth is that journalists cover events all day and there can be several stories on the evening news. However, making the leap to memorable coverage and bigger, national stories requires a bit of foresight as you put your event together.

Often, our premium clients bring us in early to help plan out an event from the press side. While their team puts the nuts and bolts on catering, venue and timing, my team thinks through everything from when to send out the first release to the optics of all interviews.

Here are 4 creative ways we make our events stand out:

  • Curated media invitations: Sure, you can send out blanket pitches but for some events you need to have reporters who get what you're talking about. Sometimes that's not the general assignment reporter. Often, what we do is look at both the beat of the reporter and their own personal interests to gauge who would be most interested in covering the event. This helps get better coverage but also sets the foundation for a longer-term relationship with the reporter. BONUS: We sometimes invite reporters to simply be in the space – not even cover it! We know this can turn into a longer feature story during the road and so playing the long game is key here.

  • Press Conferences: Press conferences often get a bad rep for being boring but I posit that's just because boring people are putting them together. A press conference is on whatever you want to highlight and the format can be changed to fit your needs. As such, we've had children speak at the podium, we've had live singing and we always think through a fun backdrop for the images later.

  • A press pool: Sometimes you get too big of a response. Make sure you're prepared for your blessings by having someplace to put your press. This doesn't have to be an official press conference. You can simply have all reporters take questions at the same time instead of lugging your leadership out every 30 minutes. It's also a great way to ensure your connections feel equally poured into since no reporter will get a more "unique" angle.

  • Live shots: This can be a fun, if not scary, way to get coverage but it also drives people to your event in real time. The best way to secure live coverage is to have an ongoing show at the same time or something that the reporter can go live from. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean your interviewee is live. Often, reporters will cut up the package and then go live, introduce it and then let the package play. However, you won't have to wait until that night for the story to come out.

  • BONUS: Red Carpets: One of our favorite ways to spark FOMO is by having a glamorous red carpet event before a show or installation. It's a great way to get interviews done early, maximize visuals and ensure everyone looks their best! If you have a lot of attendees, ensure a smooth arrival by giving everyone different times!

As a former reporter, I have spent years attending and covering events and I have seen firsthand what attracts readers and more clicks. While your event is very important to you, it's important to remember that yours is just one of a few for the reporter and one of many to the audience. Stand out by making small tweaks to how reporters cover the event and access the leadership and you'll see a polished, engaging story as a result.

Interested in working with our team? Book a discovery call and tell us more about your brand's unique challenges.



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