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8 PR Tricks & Strategies We Learned this Year


Updated: Dec 9, 2022

In 2022, we covered everything from how to pitch your brand to major outlets to how to get more funders, sponsors and customers from those placements. Whether you do this work for yourself or you already have a PR team, most of the below tips will help you get more from the work you're doing– more impact and more reach.

Let's dig into a few strategies you can employ right now to improve your company's reach.

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  • How to write a press release: The press release is an essential component of pitching to most mainstream outlets. Having one on hand can boost how quickly you land interviews. You can also share to your own channels and website to boost legitimacy and show off professional resources

  • An interesting story is the most important part of your brand: Obviously, profit is important and years in business is too, but when it comes down to it, there are probably a lot of similar brands to yours. Stand out by emphasizing your brand's unique story. It also makes the final story more compelling to readers and viewers.

  • How to define a call to action: Don't get into the news until you do this. Why? Because you'll get more attention with no idea how to turn this into currency. This blog post series will help you with defining your call to action AND using it to avoid sounding too promotional.

  • Begin pitching events 1 month before they happen: This gives the news team time to assign a reporter to the piece, as well as think through any previews or special coverage.

  • How a deeper breath can improve on-camera presence: Take a deep breath. Now, speak. Do you notice how much deeper, calmer your voice is. TV news reporters use this trick to get through long, complex stories and it's a trick I use with my clients to immediately calm their nerves and make them look and sound better on camera

  • Keep a list of reporters on hand: You won't hear back from the majority of your pitches. That's just an industry standard so when you're feeling a little low about this, it can help to already have a list of people you can pitch to so you can keep going.

  • Define your success: Do you want more clients? More orders? You don't have to hold yourself to whatever goal you set but the imperative thing about goal-setting is that it helps you define where you want to go, critically allowing you to visualize a path there. This will result in you knowing which interviews to pursue and how to direct people who connect with you as a result.

  • Reduce the legwork to increase profit: If your customer has to do too many actions it won't happen no matter how great your call to action is. If you're doing a coat drive, offer several drop-off locations or pick them up. Make your website easy to navigate with your main offer right on the homepage. If people have to do more of the work, it increases how many simply won't do it, ultimately affecting your profit.

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2023 is your year! Use it to get more news coverage and connect with people who need to know about your brand!

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