Award-Winning Master Certified Coach (MCC), Sophia Casey, Shares her Top Strategies for Rest, Calls on Black Women Across the Nation to Join Her
By: MMM Editorial Team

Washington, D.C. — Master Certified Coach and Corporate Consultant Sophia Casey is leading the charge for Black women to make time and space for more rest. Having worked with executives, C-suite leaders and politicians, she knows firsthand how much this rest is needed. According to national statistics, Black women are the least likely to honor their physical, mental and emotional needs for rest. In fact, national surveys find that more than half of Black women face serious stress and several studies show that they face stress levels that are higher than the national average.
“Rest is about more than napping and taking bubble baths,” said Casey, “Black women are often [informally] tasked with saving their workspace, leading in difficult areas but often with very few resources and little support. However, our ancestors have already paid the price and it’s time for Black women to rest and pour back into themselves as much as they pour into others.”
She also pointed to the recent election as both a stressor but also an example of the need to release the desire to “fix everything.” When Vice President and Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris lost it was a reminder that Black women in leadership spaces are often treated unfairly, second-guessed and sometimes unsupported entirely.
Casey said while relaxing is important, rest is also about finding flow and one of the easiest ways to start immediately is to be unapologetic about your time and employ an easy tactic called “3 No’s and a Yes.” This strategy includes saying no to requests at least three times a day so you can instead make space for saying yes to yourself by making a decision to spend that time doing what supports your wellbeing.
For those who want to engage with rest on a deeper level and join Coach Sophia Casey, she suggests utilizing the Zone of Genius, which allows for the radical realignment of the practitioner’s schedule, contracts and workload to align with their values, ideal life and goals. There is more about the Zone of Genius, including recent workshops and activities, available at Casey’s ICF accredited coach training school ICLI RISING.
About Sophia Casey, MCC: Sophia Casey is CEO of Sophia Casey Enterprises (SCE), Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer (CEO) of the International Coaching & Leadership Institute Rising (ICLI RISING). ICLI RISING offers ICF-accredited coach training and continuing education units and transformational leadership certification programs to coaches and organizations globally.