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[Event] How To Truly Diversify Your Workplace Now

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This workshop is designed for employers and supervisors who manage diverse teams and/or want to add diversity to their teams. This webinar will help you learn what tools and techniques you have at your disposal for recruitment and how to build easy, new systems to increase retention. We’ll also explore exactly why diversity is so valuable to every company and why it’s your industry’s best kept secret and a resource just waiting to be tapped into.

About Jason Greer: Jason Greer is an internationally recognized Employee/Labor Relations and Diversity Management consultant who is known as the “Employee Whisperer.” His tremendous ability to get in on the ground in any business allows him to immediately form relationships and improve morale and employer-employee relations. Greer has incredible success due his background in Labor Relations, counseling psychology and organizational development. Greer has more than 17 years in this industry and his company, Greer Consulting, Inc., ranks in the top 5% of labor and employee relations consulting companies in the nation.


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