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[Placement] "Black in the Newsroom" Featured in EBONY for Mental Health Awareness Month


It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and Media 2070's award-winning film, Black in the Newsroom, is featured in EBONY magazine, examining the mental toll Black journalists endure navigating a toxic media system through poignant interviews with Collette Watson and Elizabeth Montgomery as they shed light on anti-Blackness in the newsroom and the need for the prioritization of care for Black journalists.

EBONY: Elizabeth, why did you want to be a part of this project?

Elizabeth Montgomery: Two words, Black women. After the pay study done by our union was released to the public that showed that POC journalists made $25K less than that of non-POC journalists in our newsroom, I was denied a raise and then given a company t-shirt with an Ida B. Wells quote on the front. Out of hurt and frustration, and in the name of Ms. Wells, I posted about it on social media. Black women journalists began inboxing me to share their stories of getting passed up for promotions, being denied raises and ultimately, leaving news outlets. They were hurt and suffered in silence until the next opportunity came. When this film came about, I wanted to speak up and share what was happening. As a journalist, I've always wanted to tell the truth and make a difference.

Click the link for the full interview with Collette Watson and Elizabeth Montgomery.

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