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[Placement] Lorina Troy Featured in Motherhood Moment


On the blog Motherhood Moment, Lorina Troy had the opportunity to discuss her experience as a mom fighting against unjust accusations, and to shed light on a growing trend of families speaking up against poor medical care.

Lorina and her family recently filed a federal lawsuit naming Texas Children's Hospital and several members of the Department of Family and Protective Services as defendants for "arbitrary investigation" and "unlawful removal from the home."

Lorina is seeking justice after the two entities ripped her family apart for several months, placing her sons in foster care because she and her husband were accused of abusing them. However, there was never any evidence of this abuse. Even in the medical notes! Instead, her youngest son had a rare disease (benign hydrocephalus) which caused slow head swelling. Yet, even when her children were taken he received no medical care and it only delayed his healing further. The case is part of a growing trend of families speaking up against poor medical care, as seen in the hit Netflix doc Take Care of Maya (in which Lorina is featured).

Read Lorina's Q&A with Motherhood Moment here.

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