By: MMM Editorial Team
In the world of journalism, there's a growing focus on equity, especially when it comes to how Black communities are represented and included in the world of news. Media 2070 is at the front of this movement, shaking things up and dreaming of a future where everyone's story gets told fairly and accurately.
Recently, Media 2070's Joe Torres and Collette Watson appeared on CounterSpin to discuss media reparations, the role of philanthropy in news and the long history of exclusion many journalists have faced.
It was the latest in an ongoing conversation sparked by Torres' column which was published in several outlets across the country, criticizing major philanthropic leaders for wanting to fix journalism but not centering equity and reparative practices.
The conversation was half an hour and explored topics such as "Does reparations restrict what news I see?" "Is it enough for news leaders to apologize for past racist coverage" and "what needs to happen to see this dream come true."
It's a powerful discussion. Listen to the full episode here.
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