By: MMM Editorial Team
Last month, we discussed how many movements lead from a negative place– only to be surprised when support wanes and no real change is made.
So today I wanted to give two quick examples of movements that are grounded in joy instead and how this completely changes how people interact with this work.
1.) Media 2070: I have to plug Media 2070 here because as someone working in this movement I know how much joy is built into the very foundation. News by itself can be depressing and when we talk about the unfair ways communities are covered and disenfranchised journalists are treated, it's easy to go a very depressing route. Instead, the Media 2070 folks are pushing daydreaming sessions, the Black Future Newsstand, restorative healing spaces for Black journalists, which embodies positive portrayals of us and building with people already in the space. it's a reminder that you can either spend all your time convincing naysayers or simply going where you are appreciated and people are ready to work. What I find is that with this route, you don't need to "convince" as much; the work and the joy you create does it for you!
2.) The Nap Ministry: Finding rest is never easy but especially as Americans, we are conditioned to always be on. What I love about Tricia Heresy's work is the fact that she's not ~forcing~ you to rest, she's reminding you it's your birthright. You already have access to rest. Her book is uplifting and the events she does calls people to rest. In a world where everyone knows they need to slow down, berating them into it won't help!
So that's just two quick examples but please share more! And from here on out, notice those icky posts on social media that tell you "nobody is talking about this" – it's all for engagement.
But now we have real tools to boost engagement and long-term support: the magnetic pull of joy.