By: MMM Editorial Team

The stunning upset in the 2024 Election is highlighting a major issue many Black women running for office already know: Black women candidates face major discrepancies in support, funding and are constantly questioned as candidates. In a recent article for Long Beach Black News, a few candidates and coaches shared insight.
“As Black women, being part of a government body is to exist in an environment that wasn’t created for us,” said Victoria Pelletier, a city councilor for the city of Portland, ME in an op-ed for Ms. Magazine.

Sophia Casey, Master Certified Coach, said it's important for Black women in all leadership positions to have a strong village and sense of self:
“For a lot of Black women candidates they have to go so far and above what’s required of other candidates. Others can show they have the background, but often Black women are constantly thinking about what ‘this is what a politician looks like, acts like’ so it can be difficult to show up authentically. They have to prove the credentials and then also prove they can fit a ‘certain image.’ On top of the already high pressures of campaigning, this can be a lot for Black women to handle and it can push some out altogether.”