Read all of the most-read and most-shared tips of the year!
By: MMM Editorial Team
As the year winds down, it's the perfect time to look back at our most popular tips and posts. Granted, you're going on vacation so maybe bookmark this page and come back in the new year when you're refreshed and ready to try new methods of growing your brand's audience!
Below are the top strategies and a link to the actual posts so you can dive deep and learn more:
Leading From Joy: Learn about two movements that have made joy a fundamental part of their brand and why joy matters for growing a long-term, large audience with a focused goal. We're leaving shaming our audience back in 2024 next year!
5 More Reasons Your Pitch Hasn't Been Picked Up: Building on the first time, we explored this topic we decided to add more reasons that we've seen as common mistakes with our premium clients to keep you from making the same ones.
There's More than Pitching for Interviews: We explored the power of op-eds and original articles as a way to get your message out to the masses in a mostly unedited, longform method that helps you control more of the conversation.
Getting as Many Followers as Possible May Actually be Destroying Revenue: When you chase likes and follows, you forget to connect with the authentic audience waiting for you. These people are more likely to spend more, and more often, so it's a better ROI when chasing them.
When it Comes to Events, Don't Settle for Boring Coverage: In this popular blog post, we shared five methods for getting better event coverage that resonates and lasts longer than the typical news cycle.
There you have it! In 2025, we are stepping into a deeper practice. No more lazy posting and pitching. Think through PR for your events instead of making it a last thought and create a space of joy in your work, so that not only you want to revel it but it shines so bright you have no choice but to attract a bigger audience!